Jun 23, 2016 | V-Control
16 and 32-Fader V-Console for Recording and Mixing from Neyrinck V-Control Pro 2 system now supports 32-Fader V-Console twin tablet control of most audio media applications with wired iPad connectivity San Francisco, CA – June 22nd 2016 – The recently upgraded...
May 26, 2016 | V-Control
Legacy V-Control Pro 1 and the New V-Control Pro 2 System The 8-fader V-Control Pro 1 was originally launched as an iPad only app that connected to the main DAW computer using a software utility called Ney-Fi. V-Control Pro up to version 1.8 required Ney-Fi. V-Control...
Dec 9, 2015 | V-Control
5 New Features of V-Control Pro 2 1. Controllers run on a lot more devices: iOS phones and tablets, android phones and tablets, and web browsers. 2. Now it shows up to 16 tracks on a single controller. That means less banking and scrolling which makes it much easier...