Download Digi 003/002 Driver Installer Helper For Big Sur And Monterey
Keep Your 003/002 Running On Mac Intel
We created this free helper utility so that 003/002 users can install Avid’s driver on Mac Intel systems on Big Sur or later. Avid’s driver installer won’t run on Big Sur or later due to Mac OS Gatekeeper requirements despite the fact that the driver is compatible with Big Sur and later. This helper copies the driver files to the right place and lets you authorize Gatekeeper with your account password.
Click the Download button to download a zip archive of the utility. After you unzip it, run the helper application and follow the instructions. Then you will need to restart your system. You can check that the driver is working by connecting your 003 /002 and launching Audio Midi Setup and seeing it as an audio device.
Connect 003 Console With V-Control Pro
Previously, 003 Console could only control Pro Tools. Now V-Control Pro connects the 003 Console to DAWs and media applications for fast, professional control. V-Control Pro translates the 003 Console’s control protocol to Logic Pro, Cubase/Nuendo, Studio One, LUNA, and more. It works on Mac Intel and Windows systems (Avid’s 003 driver is not compatible with Apple Silicon systems. LEARN MORE