Download  Spill Plug-in


Download and install the latest version by filling out the form.


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Apple Silicon Compatibility

Spill is universal for Mac OS so that it can run native on Intel and Apple Silicon systems.


The Spill Plug-in requires an ilok license for authorization. A Spill Plug-in license can be purchased online from the Neyrinck Store.

An ilok ID is required.


Free Trial

The Spill Plug-in offers a 7-day trial for users.  After installation, launch Pro Tools, and when the ilok Authorization pop-up comes up select “Try”. You can then choose deposit the demo license on an ilok.  A Spill Plug-in license can be purchased online from the Neyrinck Store.


V-Control Pro Bundle License Owners

If you purchased the V-Control Pro Bundle which previously included the Spill PlugIn you must install version 1.0 available here (Windows users click here). You can exchange your V-Control Pro Bundle license for a Spill perpetual license by contacting Neyrinck Support.


System Requirements

Pro Tools 10.3.5 and higher


Mac OS X 10.6 and higher


Windows 7,  8, 10


Version for Mac

Version for Windows