Download V-Control Pro For Mac & Windows
Version 3.0.13 for Mac
Version 3.0.13 for Windows
Version 2.7.3 for Mac and Logic Pro 10.5.X and earlier
V-Control Pro operates either Unlicensed, Standard License, or Plus License. Legacy V-Control 1.9 for iPad and RAVEN users can use it Unlicensed. A version 2 Standard License supports all surfaces except Faderport 8/16 and D-Command. Faderport 8/16 require a version 3 Standard License. D-Command requires a Plus License. The license can be activated on the computer directly or on an iLok USB key, depending on your preference. The iLok License Manager application provides simple, flexible license management. V-Control Pro 1 operates fully with out a license. A V-Control Pro license can be purchased online from the Neyrinck Store.
Free Trial License
You can enable all V-Control Pro Standard or Plus features for free by registering for a trial license. You must have an iLok account to use the trial license. The license can be activated directly to your computer or you can use an iLok 2 / iLok 3 USB key.
IMPORTANT NOTES For V-Control Pro 1 For iPad Users
Ney-Fi has been renamed V-Control Pro so now you must launch V-Control Pro software on the desktop computer instead of Ney-Fi. V-Control Pro 1.9 is fully functional without purchasing a V-Control Pro Bundle license. At any time you can purchase a V-Control Pro Standard license to get new features such as 16-tracks control with V-Console and hardware surface control.
For Users with V-Control Pro 1.7 or 1.8. Please continue to use the legacy Ney-fi installers as V-Control Pro 1.7/1.8 is not compatible with the new V-Control Pro Bundle apps. You can find all the legacy installers at the bottom of this page.
Ney-Fi Legacy Versions for V-Control Pro 1.8 And Earlier Users:
Version 1.5 for Mac
Version 1.5 for Windows
Version 1.6 for Mac
Version 1.6 for Windows
Version for Mac
Version for Mac
Version for Windows
Version for Mac
Version for Windows