Download Ney-Fi

Download Ney-Fi:


V-Control Pro is an iPad app and can be purchased and downloaded at the App Store.

For high performance, you must turn off Bluetooth on the iPad in Settings->Bluetooth. Bluetooth and Wi-Fi share the same radio spectrum and will interfere to reduce V-Control Pro’s performance.

To use V-Control Pro you must download and install the Ney-Fi utility on your Mac or PC media application computer. Please follow these instructions:

1. Download and run the Ney-Fi installer on your computer.
2. Launch Ney-Fi on your computer.
3. Launch V-Control Pro on your iPad.
4. Open the Setup popover (gear icon) in V-Control Pro.
5. Verify that V-Control Pro displays your computer’s name in the Computer picker list.

Legacy Versions
Version 1.5 for Mac
Version 1.5 for Windows
Version 1.6 for Mac
Version 1.6 for Windows
Version for Mac
Version for Windows

System Requirements
Pro Tools 7.4, 8, 9, 10
Cubase 6, Nuendo 5.5
Logic 9.1.6,
Final Cut Pro 5, 6, 7
Check for other DAW’s supported
Mac OS X 10.5 or later
Windows Vista/XP/7/8
V-Control Pro or V-Control Free version 1.8

Ney-Fi is a free utility

Download Form

[insert_php] $downloadProduct=’V-Control’; include(‘forms/download_form_reCaptcha.php’); [/insert_php]