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The Neyrinck site is currently undergoing maintenance. Installer links can be found below.
If you have an emergency issue that can not wait, please message us at: or SMS:1-415-320-7982
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V-Control Pro 3.0 for Mac (Logic 10.6 and above)
V-Control Pro 2.7 for Mac (Logic 10.5 and below)
SoundCode Dolby Digital 2 For Mac SoundCode Dolby Digital 2 For Windows
SoundCode LtRt Tools for Windows
SoundCode Stereo LtRt Legacy TDM for Mac
SoundCode Stereo LtRt Legacy TDM for Windows
SoundCode Dolby E Bundle Windows
SoundCode Dolby E Encoder for Mac
SoundCode Dolby E Encoder for Windows
SoundCode Dolby E Decoder for Mac