V-Control Pro For LUNA
Choose Your Surface
V-Control Pro connects LUNA 1.2 to great control surfaces for recording, mixing, and V-Window plug-in parameter automation. Connect to wide surfaces and lots of beautiful faders with the Avid/Digidesign C24, Control 24, or Pro Control. Connect to Command 8 for a compact surface. Connect to V-Console on the iPad so you can record from anywhere in the studio or tweak the mix from the studio sofa.
V-Console For iPad
V-Console lets you control from anywhere in your studio with wireless WiFi connectivity. Record from any room. Mix from the couch. Control a plug-in with V-Window. Download V-Console from the Apple App Store. Select Mackie Control for the DAW mode. Eight or sixteen faders wide.

The Avid C24 features a two-row LCD display that perfectly maps to the LUNA control protocol.

Command 8
The Digidesign Command 8 remains a wildly popular surface due to its compact footprint and rock-solid construction.

Control 24
The Digidesign Control 24 revolutionized the studio. It was and is the most affordable way to get your hands on twenty-four, touch-sensitive, motorized faders.

Pro Control
Combine Pro Control Main and Fader Pack surfaces for up to thirty-two faders of silky fader control, tactile buttons, and smooth encoders.

V-Window Plug-In Control
Without V-Control Pro, LUNA 1.2 does not provide plug-in parameter control for surfaces. With V-Control Pro, you can adjust and automate plug-in parameters using V-Window mode with a fader. Simply hover the mouse pointer above a plug-in parameter, enable V-Window mode (tap the Master button twice), and now the fader remotely controls the mouse up and down for smooth, accurate control. The touch-sensitive fader makes it work perfect with LUNA touch and latch mode automation. For horizontal sliders, press the CTRL button on your keyboard.
Bus And Main Spill
Spill lets you see only the channels feeding a bus or the Main Out. This makes it incredibly easy to see just the tracks for a reverb send, for example. Simply tap the Record Arm button on the surface strip that controls the bus or main out. At any time you can spill the main out with a dedicated surface button. Mix fast and easy.
Click HERE for setup instructions.
Questions? New Features?
LUNA 1.2 is the first version to be supported by V-Control Pro. Please join our Facebook V-Control Pro Users Group and let us know any questions you have or what new features you would like to see.
V-Control Pro Plus
Perpetual License - Includes D-Command- SALE -
$349, now only $299 - D-Command
- Supercharged XMon Atmos Monitor Control
- Pro Control Main / FaderPack, C24, Control 24, Command 8, 003 Console
- Presonus FaderPort 8, 16, Single Fader V2, ioStation 24 Supercharged For Pro Tools
- Activate license to computer or iLok USB key
V-Control Pro Standard
- SALE -
$249, now only $229 - Pro Control Main / FaderPack, C24, Control 24, Command 8, 003 Console
- Presonus FaderPort 8, 16, Single Fader V2, ioStation 24 Supercharged For Pro Tools
- Activate license to computer or iLok USB key
V-Control Pro Standard Annual Subscription
- Pro Control Main / FaderPack, C24, Control 24, Command 8, 003 Console
- Presonus FaderPort 8, 16, Single Fader V2, ioStation 24 Supercharged For Pro Tools
- Activate license to computer or iLok USB key