If you are using Logic Pro X 10.0 – 10.5 and it is not automatically setting up your V-Control Pro surface, it might be because the incorrect version of V-Control Pro is installed. Starting with Logic 10.6, Apple changed the way that control surfaces connect to surfaces.
For Logic Pro X 10.5 or earlier, you will need to install an earlier version of V-Control Pro. You can download version 2.7.2 HERE.
If you are using the Logic 10.6 or later, please the latest installer of V-Control Pro which can be downloaded HERE.
If you wish to use the current version of V-Control Pro to use with our DAWs such as Luna but stay on Logic 10.5, follow the steps below:
1. Download and install V-Control Pro 2.7.2 from the V-Control Pro HERE.
2. Open the Finder and use Command+Shift+C to show the Hard drive view. Select the main Hard drive and navigate to “Library/Application Support/MIDI Device Plug-Ins“.
3. Copy the V-Control.Bundle file to another location. Select the V-Control.Bundle and press Command+C, then go into another folder such as Documents and press Command+V to paste a copy in that folder.
4. Download and install the latest version of V-Control Pro from the Downloads Page HERE.
5. Navigate to the “Library/Application Support/MIDI Device Plug-Ins” from step 2.
6. Move the V-Control.Bundle file that was copied in step 3 to the “/Library/Application Support/MIDI Device Plug-Ins“.
7. Launch V-Control Pro, add any control surfaces and then launch Logic 10.5.