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Command 8 Windows Setup

1 min read

For V-Control Pro to connect Command 8 to supported applications, the Command 8 Windows driver must be installed. And the midi ports must be selected correctly in the V-Control Pro Setups window.

Verify Command 8 Midi Ports Are Available #

  1. Open the Windows Device Manager.
  2. Select the Software Devices section and open the list.
  3. Look for Command 8 Port 1, Port 2, and Port 3 in the list.
  4. If Command 8 is listed in step 3, then the driver is installed and you can go to the Add Surface To V-Control Pro Setups section.
  5. If Command 8 is not listed in step 3, continue to the Driver Installation section.

Driver Installation #

  1. Quit V-Control Pro.
  2. Download the Command 8 Windows driver.
  3. Run the Command 8 driver installer until it is finished.

Add Surface To V-Control Pro Setups #

  1. Launch V-Control Pro.
  2. Open the V-Control Pro Setups window.
  3. If a Command 8 is already indicated in the left-bottom Controllers section, skip to step 5.
  4. Add A Command 8 Surface
    • Click Add new… at the bottom left Controllers section.
    • Select Command 8 and click OK. V-Control Pro will add Command 8 to the Controllers section.
  5. Configure The Midi Ports
    • Select the Command 8 in the Controllers section.
    • Click the Midi Input and Midi Output popups and select “Command 8” from the lists.

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