Apr 22, 2015 | SoundCode LtRt Tools
SoundCode Stereo LtRt Discontinued We are no longer selling SoundCode Stereo LtRt, the legacy product for RTAS/TDM systems running Pro Tools 9 and earlier. SoundCode LtRt Tools replaces SoundCode Stereo LtRt. SoundCode LtRt Tools is for AAX native/HDX systems running...
Feb 26, 2015 | SoundCode For Dolby Digital, SoundCode For Dolby E, SoundCode LtRt Tools
Major surround sound plug-in updates from Neyrinck for Pro Tools 10 and 11 Neyrinck today announced a new version of SoundCode for Dolby Digital 2 which now includes a new AAX Native 32/64 plug-in called Dolby Digital Preview. Just place it on a 5.1 mix bus to hear...
Feb 26, 2015 | SoundCode LtRt Tools
SoundCode LtRt Tools and V-Mon now available in AAX 64 format for Pro Tools 11 Neyrinck’s SoundCode LtRt Tools and V-Mon plug-ins are now available in the new AAX 64 format for use with Pro Tools 11. SoundCode LtRt Tools is available in both AAX Native 64 and...
Feb 26, 2015 | SoundCode LtRt Tools
New SoundCode LtRt Tools plug-in for Pro Tools 10 now provides complete Dolby Pro Logic workflow including LtRt encode and decode, in AAX DSP, Native, and Audiosuite formats in one package. The new SoundCode LtRt Tools for Pro Tools 10 is now shipping. It features...
Feb 26, 2015 | SoundCode For Dolby Digital, SoundCode For Dolby E, SoundCode LtRt Tools
Paul Neyrinck provides an overview of the surround sound technologies often used in television and DVD There have been many technologies developed over the years to deliver surround audio for television and DVD. The following is an overview of the technologies often...